Friday, February 8, 2013

The Mascots of the Emerald City

Since 1967, the SuperSonics have been an integral part of Seattle. The SuperSonics won the NBA Championship in 1979, acquired star players (especially Shawn Kemp and Gary Payton, who both came on the scene in the 80's and 90's), and had many years of success and dominance in the Western Conference.

In 2008, however, the SuperSonics were sold to Oklahoma City and became the Oklahoma City Thunder. Not only did this move inspire changes in the sports and sentimental community of Seattle, but the overall tourism industry has changed as well. 

Overall, Seattle has gotten over the loss of the Sonics gracefully; however, the pain that the city's population has, as well as the tourism industry, is obvious.

The Sonics were the mascots of the Emerald City. They gave inspiration to frustrated people and gave an outlet for people in their everyday life.

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